
Insights RBAC provides a web server for its API interaction.

This guide will focus on deploying Insighs RBAC into an existing OpenShift cluster.

Deploying the RBAC API

The RBAC application contains two components - a web service and database.


A basic deployment configuration is contained within the application’s openshift template file openshift/rbac-template.yaml. This template should be acceptable for most use cases. It provides parameterized values for most configuration options.

To deploy the RBAC API application using the provided templates, you can use the provided Makefile:

make oc-create-all

To deploy individual components, there are also make commands provided for your convenience:

Deploy the API web application: make oc-create-rbac Deploy the PostgreSQL database: make oc-create-db

Docker Compose

The RBAC API can also be deployed with Docker Compose with the following steps. Before these steps can complete, the postgresql-devel package for your distribution must be installed.

  • Create a Docker bridge network named rbac-network: docker network create rbac-network
  • Start RBAC server and database: make docker-up

This command will run database migraitons and start the API server. Once complete the API server will be running on port 8000 on your localhost.